Pest activity does not arise spontaneously in any vacant or occupied space. Pests can be introduced or gain entry through cracks, crevices, or other openings. Locations typically have three zones of influence: interior, exterior, and perimeter.

Pests can easily enter from the exterior zone, which can be as close to your building as the landscaping. As business owners in Lincoln City, it’s crucial to understand the importance of pest-proofing your commercial landscapes and outdoor spaces. At Sprague Pest Solutions, we protect your brand, customers, employees, and business environment with science-based pest control methods.

The Attraction of Pests to Commercial Landscapes

Commercial landscapes and outdoor spaces can attract pests, posing health risks and potential damage to buildings and fixtures. Here are three common pests in Oregon that are often attracted to these areas:

     Ants: These tiny invaders can quickly form colonies in garden beds, under paving stones, and around building foundations.

     Rodents: Mice and rats are attracted to areas with abundant food sources, water, and shelter, often found in commercial landscapes.

     Wasps: These stinging insects are drawn to outdoor dining areas, trash bins, and flowering plants, posing a threat to employees and customers.

Effective Pest-Proofing Strategies

To maintain a pest-free environment, commercial pest control companies in Lincoln City, like Sprague Pest Solutions, employ various strategies:

1. Integrated Pest Management

IPM involves a comprehensive approach combining biological, physical, and chemical methods to manage pests. This includes regular inspections, monitoring pest activity, and implementing preventative measures to reduce pest populations.

2. Landscaping Modifications

Modifying your landscape design can significantly reduce pest attraction. This might involve:

     Removing standing water: Eliminating sources of stagnant water to deter mosquitoes.

     Selecting pest-resistant plants: Choosing plants less attractive to pests like aphids and caterpillars.

     Maintaining cleanliness: Regularly cleaning outdoor dining areas and disposing trash properly to avoid attracting rodents and insects.

3. Structural Barriers

Physical barriers, such as rodent-proof fencing and sealing entry points, can prevent pests from accessing your property. These barriers are crucial in creating a long-term pest-proof environment.

Why Choose Sprague Pest Solutions?

Sprague Pest Solutions stands out among commercial pest control companies in Lincoln City due to our commitment to science-based pest control methods. Our team of experts delivers superior results by tailoring our services to meet each client's specific needs. Here’s how we can help your commercial property:

     Expert Inspections: Our highly trained specialists conduct thorough inspections to identify potential pest entry points and attractants.

     Customized Solutions: We develop personalized pest management plans based on the unique requirements of your commercial landscape.

     Ongoing Support: Our services include regular follow-ups to ensure your property remains pest-free, providing you and your business peace of mind.

Try partnering with us, and you will see the difference pest-free commercial landscapes and outdoor spaces can make. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive pest control services and how we can safeguard your business.